COMMISSIONS 2024/25 Season

Newly minted music

Carrés Noirs by Anna Krasnichkaja
after Kulenty & Sadlkova

List of composers currently working on major
ICCM commissions:


Hanna Kulenty (Poland)
Carrés Noirs – Double Concerto
      for piano four hands, two string orchestra and percussion.
      for large orchestra


Aziza Sadikova (Uzbekistan)
Concerto for Bayan and Orchestra


Riccardo Riccardi (Italy)
Ricercar for Chamber Orchestra


Avner Dorman (Israel/USA)
Double Concerto
      for violin, bayan, and orchestra


Wojciech Błażejczyk (Poland)
Sinfonia Concertante (working title)
     for rock trio and orchestra

Hanna Kulenty
ICCM Commission No. 1: Carrés Noirs – Double Concerto
          for piano four hands, two string orchestras, and percussion
Length: ca. 20 min.
Commissioned for: Bizjak Piano Duo & the Orchestra of St. Luke’s (NY)
Premiere anticipated: in 2025, London, New York, Warsaw


ICCM Commission No. 2: Infinilninfini — for large orchestra
Length: ca. 24 min.
Commissioned for: Orchestras tba
Premiere anticipated: in 2026, London, New York, Warsaw

Hanna Kulenty is a distiguished Polish composer whose philosophy
about art and life find expression in mesmerizing, spirit-infused musical
scores. She brands her style as Surrealistic and her quest for artistic truth
as a search for the metaphysical. Through controlling and taming the

phenomenon of time, she seek to purify both the soul – through cathar-
sis, and the body – and through emotions.

Aziza Sadikova
ICCM commission: Concerto for Bayan and Orchestra
Length: ca. 25 – 30 min.
Commissioned for: Geir Draugsvoll, bayan
Orchestra(s): tba
Premiere anticipated: in 2025/26 Season, London and New York

Uzbek composer of international renown, Aziza Sadikova uses a unique musical language with which she inevitably draws her listeners into her musical universe. She is a direct descendent of Shostakovich, Schnittke,
and Gubaidulina, and more specifically, belongs to the musical trend defined by Stravinsky.

Avner Dorman
ICCM commission: Double Concerto
for violin, bayan, and orchestra
Length: ca. 25 – 30 min.
Commissioned for: Viktoria Mullova, violin; and Geir Draugsvoll, bayan
Orchestra(s): tba
Premiere anticipated: in 2025/26 Season, London, and New York

Award-winning, internationally aclaimed Israeli composer. Here is how Anne Midgette of Washington Post sums up his work:


Wide-ranging, appealing, breathtakingly virtuosic, sophisticated enough to appeal to an audience of classical aficionados, and approachable enough to appeal to people who have never been to an orchestra concert.

Riccardo Riccardi
ICCM commission: Ricercar for Chamber Orchestra
Length: ca. 20 min.
Orchestra(s): tba
Premiere performances anticipated in 2025 in London and in Portland,
Oregon (USA) at the Oregon Music Festival

Represented by the Universal Edition, Riccardo Riccardi is an Italian composer, playwright as well as a painter and architect — in short, a Renaissance man. While his many activities keep him constantly engaged, Riccardo thrives on playing the role of a Jack of all trades…

“Normally,” he states, “I just do one thing at a time”. Riccardi’s Quartetto per archi, Op. 80 will be given its world premiere at
the closing of the ICCM’s 2024/ 25 season at Carnegie Hall, New York, by the Manhattan String Quartet.

Wojciech Błażejczyk
ICCM commission: Sinfonia Concertante

           for rock trio, electronics, and orchestra

Length: ca. 25 min.
Orchestra(s): tba
Premiere anticipated in 2025/26 Season in London, and Los Angeles

Wojciech Błażejczyk is a composer, guitarist and sound engineer. He teaches at the Composition and Sound Engineering department of the F. Chopin University of Music in Warsaw being the head of the Computer Music Studio. He writes both acoustic and electroacoustic music, as well as works for the theatre and film. Known internationally as a cutting- edge composer, he has appeared with many orchestras. Most recently he premiered his Concerto for El. Guitar and Orchestra at Queen Elizabeth Hall in London to high acclaim and subsequently recorded the piece with London Sinfonietta on Signum Label.

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